
About Us

  Welcome to Dtwinx. We are a company that helps to build digital twins for any kinds of industries. Our platform offers customer and device management, data collection, processing, analytics, and visualization for your IoT and BIM solutions. 
Dtwinx enables device connectivity via industry-standard IoT protocols like :
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  XR technology brings new way visually represent Digital Twins. It gives better understanding of the physical entity by representing real-time state and outlier data on the top of visual representations.
Real-time FEM gives you the ability to see the invisible (strain and stress) behavior of your digital twin.
Cloud Rendering Technology gives you the ability to visualize MASSIVE and COMPEX visual representations of digital twins (like BIM or very detailed models) on less computationally powered devices (like phones, pads, and so on).
Maintain your Digital Twins from any platforms.
Our skills become so advanced so we can help you even build human digital twins or digital clones. The human digital representations are able to look, talk and think same exact way as the real human do.

If you have lost someone like good frieds or parents we can help you to bring them alive.
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